We are thrilled to share with you multicollaboration giveaway of WAX projects.
Starcadia is a wax game. A 2D browser game gives you points that you can exchange on our site for other Starcadia content.
Varialands is a play-to-earn web game using NFT Technology. Players will be rewarded with tokens and can also create valuable NFTs
Crypto farm where NFTs represent real products from real farms. The NFTs of this collection represent the tools that, every day, accompany the farmers in their hard work. By putting these tools together it is possible to generate new NFTs that are linked to real goods and products from our farms. Ownership of these NFTs therefore guarantees ownership of these products.
Astronautix, Psycho Dino Art, Bit Blobs, Streaming Art are a collection of NFT arts in WAX.
Grey Badlands is a NFT game in which you take on the shoes of a alien general and lead your own colony. Coming soon in wax.
Kolobok — Breed unique NFT koloboks and play Adventures on WAX.
Farming Tales is a crypto farm where NFTs represent real products from real farms.
Spiceflow, Browser economic P2E strategy game based on the WAX blockchain. Build factories, upgrade, extract resources, conquer the planet!
Giant Giraffe Gang is Creator of the Giant Giraffe Gang on the WAX blockchain, Ambassador to Neftyblocks, Writer/director/actor in the Life: For Granted made for TV show.
Under World Racing play and finally pick up the bike. The mechanics of the game work within a circular economics circulation, that’s why we have 3 key in-game tokens for the game.
Worldcrash is a WAX blockchain-based P2E game where you can immerse in a post-apocalyptic world.
Kolobok Adventures K2 it’s an innovative blockchain NFT GameFi, the main plot based on the Eastern European fairy tale «Kolobok». Every Kolobok is a unique NFT creature, generated on the WAX-blockchain and owned by the player. Breed unique Koloboks, play adventures, win, trade, collect NFTs and interact with the community. The K2 version is presented exclusively on WAX. Play to earn KBUCKS and win NFT-prizes!
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- Starcadia
x2 hangars
x1 Super Hornet 01-C
x1 Heavy Figther 01-C
x1 Yin Alpha 01 — C - Varia Land
x2 small mines chests - Psycho Dino
x5 Psycho Dino Logo - Astronautix
x1 Astro vegeta
x1 astroinfinity
x1 astro Scream
x1 Astro Bug - Grey Badlands
x1 promo pack
x2 harock pack - Bit Blobs
x3 Blob Magazine
x5 bit Blobs - Streaming Art
x5 Komarod Orc Chief
x5 Assasin’s Dagger - Kolobok
x5 Generation 7 “251 / 1” - Farming Tales
x3 Animal mini pack - Spiceflow
x2 Land pack - Giant Giraffe Gang
x1 GGG Collab Box
x2 Selfie - Under World Racing
x5 Random Bike - World Crash
x5 promo pack
Giveaway link: Here
Simply follow and complete the task to participate in the giveaway.
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BiTalkz will hold its own giveaway once we reach 100 followers!
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