We are thrilled to share with you Shatterpoint a very massive community who are waiting for the game launch. They are holding giveaway to further expand their community base.
Block Games, Next-generation game development and publishing studio, with a mission to bring mass adoption of blockchain technology through player-owned mobile games.
Shatterpoint is the first skill-based, F2P, action RPG game for mobile on Polygon.
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Total prize pool: $10000
- 10 x Shatterpoint NFT Hero + $30 USDT + 3400 $SHA tokens
- 10 x Shatterpoint NFT Hero
- 40 x $30 USDT + 3400 $SHA tokens
Winners will be announced shortly after the giveaway ends on 28th September with USDT & NFT prizes sent in 7 business days and $SHA Token allocations issued on token launch.
Giveaway link: Here
Simply follow and complete the task to participate in the giveaway.
FOLLOW US & EARN for FREE Goodluck everyone!
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