Do you know that MegaFans is building the world’s first mobile eSports community using blockchain, crypto, NFTs in a play-to- earn environment for gamers, collectors and developers.
They have announced a NFT giveaway “Hey MegaFans! We’re super excited about our upcoming NFT launch and we are rewarding our community for supporting us! We are rewarding active community members with a minty fresh MegaFans NFT from our collection! The rules are simple, enter here for a chance to win a MegaFans NFT on mint day!”
- Follow their twitter
- Join their telegram and discord
- Share on any social media
- Enter your metamask address
MegaFans NFT
Giveaway link:
BiTalkz will hold giveaway once we reach 100 followers
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#NFT #NFTgiveaway #giveaway #Cryptocurrency #crypto #Airdrop #NFTairdrop